Turkey is one of the top 11 countries visited in the world. It is a favored country for trade in middle east and Balkans, Ataturk airport is one of the busiest airports in the region and it is the go-to …
Continue ReadingTurkey is one of the top 11 countries visited in the world. It is a favored country for trade in middle east and Balkans, Ataturk airport is one of the busiest airports in the region and it is the go-to …
Continue ReadingTurkey’s reputation as an outpost of western modernity in the east has declined in the recent past due to a growth in religion-centered ideology propagated by the current ruling dispensation. However, another major threat to the image of Turkey all …
Continue ReadingTurkey’s place in the world is unique because of it being seen as a confluence between the east and the west, orient and the occident, in terms of its geography as well as its cultural ambience. A Muslim country with …
Continue ReadingInflation in Tukey is running rampant and making life difficult for the ordinary citizens. The main cause of the inflation is that the Central Bank of the country hasn’t been allowed to play its role and take measures to bring …
Continue ReadingThe Turkish currency, lira, has witnessed a devaluation of around 40% this year and it is leading to all sorts of problems. The situation worsened when a diplomatic brawl broke out between USA and Turkey. An American pastor was arrested …
Continue ReadingIn most democracies where parties fight over what is the essence of their nation, education becomes an intense battlefield. Turkey, which is witnessing huge internal tumult has also seen the same situation play out. In February 2012, Turkish President Recep …
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